Saturday, November 21, 2009

BLOG: Pancake Picnic

I'm flying solo today.

Hubby is working and will be home in a little while. But, when I woke up this morning, with a 3-and-1-year-old staring in my face, I realized I couldn't just lay around in bed until the feeling was right.

"Ooookaaaay," I said. "I'm up. I'm up."

Today is one of those "I love living in Florida" days. It's November and gorgeous outside. I threw on a tank and some flip-flops before heading into the kitchen to whip up some quick pancakes.

My thinking was that if they wanted to make a sticky mess, they could do it outside. When I said the words "Pancake Picnic," they almost lost their minds.

"We can take pancakes outside?!" my 3-year-old screamed. Yes, he screamed it.

"Absolutely!!" I said, somewhat laughing at them, but mostly laughing at myself. Oh, I must be losing it, but as long as they are happy, and as long as the sticky mess is not in my kitchen this morning, I'm quite OK with it.

So, with plates of pancakes drenched in sticky syrup, we headed outside. So, they loved it, but right after my 3-year-old devoured the first pancake, I realized that syrup and picnics probably don't mix well. So, I hurried them along. I'm sure the ants were already on their way.

It was a perfect sticky pancake moment. When we were finished stuffing ourselves, we packed up and then headed to the back of our property where the airplanes are. Um, not my airplanes. (I'm just not there, yet, lol.)

But I do love taking the kids to watch the airplanes right in our back yard. I mean, for a 3-year-old boy, it doesn't get any better than that. Oh, wait a minute, I guess in his mind, it should get better than that.

"I'm not getting in the plane and going up in the sky?"

Yeah, no.

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